On Maundy (or Commandment) Thursday, Jesus gave His disciples a new command–to love one another like He had loved them. The Gospel is not the gospel of racialization, restitution, or entitlement like we are now popularly hearing. It is a Gospel of self-sacrifice, service, and unconditional forgiveness. Self-sacrifice is the fruit by which people can distinguish true disciples of Jesus Christ.
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Donate yearlyKen and Andrew talk about the sermon from Sunday. What does it mean for Christians to live in the world but not of it?...
In this crossover episode of Blacktop Pulpit and Secret Women Stuff, Ken, Cathy, Kati, and Andrew talk about the importance of appointing elders in...
Sunday’s text led Andrew, Albert, and Ken to discuss various topics with regard to the Gospel:Pastors as slaves,complementarianism vs. egalitarianism,dangers of mixing theological categories,hermeneutics,tattoos,...