On Maundy (or Commandment) Thursday, Jesus gave His disciples a new command–to love one another like He had loved them. The Gospel is not the gospel of racialization, restitution, or entitlement like we are now popularly hearing. It is a Gospel of self-sacrifice, service, and unconditional forgiveness. Self-sacrifice is the fruit by which people can distinguish true disciples of Jesus Christ.
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Donate yearlyToday, Ken and Andrew talk about covenant community and its differences from what church membership has become. Visit gouglasreformed.church to give and for more...
This week, Andrew, Albert, and Ken talk about: Ether (yep, the cryptocurrency)Closed CommunionChurch DisciplineThe misuse of that verse about two or three witnesses being...
A couple church members asked if we would do a blog series about the doctrines of grace. Here it is! How does our understanding...