“Scripture is sufficient, we are not.”
In this episode, Andrew, Albert, Ken, and PA talk about the need for Christian community, the local church, correcting brothers and sisters in Christ, religious burdens of the world, restoring elders and pastors, the sufficiency of Scripture, the new imperial cults, separation of church and state, honoring Christ in light of worldly governments, and what it means to reign with Christ.
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Sunday’s text led Andrew, Albert, and Ken to discuss various topics with regard to the Gospel:Pastors as slaves,complementarianism vs. egalitarianism,dangers of mixing theological categories,hermeneutics,tattoos,...
On Maundy (or Commandment) Thursday, Jesus gave His disciples a new command–to love one another like He had loved them. The Gospel is not...
Today, Ken and Andrew talk about the sermon from Sunday–and about not leaving weak brothers and sisters in the faith weak. douglasreformed.church