A couple church members asked if we would do a blog series about the doctrines of grace. I (Andrew) simply don’t have much more time to devote to writing in that capacity around preparation for sermons, bible studies, and school work. So, we are doing a casual-conversation podcast to meet the need. Please enjoy. We will begin with the five solas because they are the necessary foundation for the doctrines of grace. In the weeks to come on Tuesday evenings:
If you use a podcasting app, be sure to subscribe to Blacktop Pulpit by The Church at Sunsites. Visit thechurchatsunsites.com to donate and help us continue our Gospel work.
Sunday’s text led Andrew, Albert, and Ken to discuss various topics with regard to the Gospel:Pastors as slaves,complementarianism vs. egalitarianism,dangers of mixing theological categories,hermeneutics,tattoos,...
On Maundy (or Commandment) Thursday, Jesus gave His disciples a new command–to love one another like He had loved them. The Gospel is not...
Special Episode: Andrew and Ken talk about the Perseverance of the Saints.