Latest Episodes

No kingdom but Heaven
Today, Ken and Andrew talk about the Advent sermon from Sunday, “No Kingdom but Heaven.”Donate at DouglasReformed.churchInterested in having a podcast like this? Contact...

Advent 01: No King but Christ
Andrew and Ken talk about Ken’s sermon from Sunday. Join us for this advent series, a celebration of Christ’s kingdom at hand. Join us...

Communion with Whom?
Ken and Andrew talk about the sermon from Sunday, Drinking with demons, and talk about what it means to have communion with Christ and...

Experiential Religion
Christianity is not designed to “work out for us.” Join Ken and Andrew as they talk about this week’s sermon.

When the Saints Go Marching In
Ken and Andrew talk about the sermon from Sunday. What does it mean for Christians to live in the world but not of it?...

Strengthening Consciences
Today, Ken and Andrew talk about the sermon from Sunday–and about not leaving weak brothers and sisters in the faith weak.